Saturday, June 16, 2012

Treating Myself - Day 149

Tired of lugging a camera bag and a purse when we travel and not having a camera handy when I need it, I treated myself. This camera bag has padding for camera and lense, expandable space for wallet and other stuff as well as pockets. Plus, it disassembles and flattens down to almost nothing to put in a suitcase. Loving it!
May 28

©2012 Michelle Goodrum


  1. Great idea Micehlle. What is it called?

  2. I might have to give myself a treat too. I have a half dozen or so camera bags but I'm (always) looking for a new one. I recently got a new camera and lens that don't fit in my current camera bags all that well. I need something new. I'll have to look into this LowePro. It might be just the thing!
